May your contribution to Zaheer's treatment be a beacon of hope for them.
About the Fundraiser
মো. জহির, একজন রেস্তোরাঁ কর্মী, বৈষম্যবিরোধী ছাত্র আন্দোলনে গুলিবিদ্ধ হন এবং গুরুতর আহত হয়েছেন। এই দুর্ঘটনায় তিনি তার চাকরি হারিয়েছেন । জহির এখন পঙ্গু হাসপাতালে চিকিৎসাধীন। তার চিকিৎসার খরচ দিন দিন বৃদ্ধি পাচ্ছে যা তার পরিবারের পক্ষে বহন করা অসম্ভব হয়ে পড়ছে। জহির এখন চরম আর্থিক সংকটে। তার চিকিৎসা চালিয়ে যাওয়া এবং পরিবারের ভরণপোষণ তার পক্ষে এখন অসম্ভব হয়ে পড়েছে। আপনার সাহায্যের হাত বাড়িয়ে দিয়ে জহির এবং তার পরিবারকে এই দুঃসময়ে টিকে থাকতে সাহায্য করুন। আপনার অবদান তাদের কাছে আশার আলো হয়ে উঠুক।
আপনার ক্ষুদ্র দান জহিরের জীবন বাঁচাতে সাহায্য করবে। আপনাদের সকলের কাছে অনুরোধ জহিরের চিকিৎসা সহায়তায় এগিয়ে আসুন।
Md. Zaheer, a restaurant worker, was shot and seriously injured during the anti-discrimination student movement. He lost his job in this accident. Zaheer is now under treatment at Pangu Hospital. His medical expenses are increasing day by day which is becoming impossible for his family to bear. Zaheer is now in an extreme financial crisis. It has become impossible for him to continue his treatment and support his family. Help Zaheer and his family survive this difficult time by extending your helping hand. May your contribution be a beacon of hope to them.
Your small donation will help save Zaheer's life. All of you are requested to come forward for Zaheer's medical assistance.
About the Fundraiser
Md. Zaheer, a restaurant worker, was shot and seriously injured during the anti-discrimination student movement. He lost his job in this accident. Zaheer is now under treatment at Pangu Hospital. His medical expenses are increasing day by day which is becoming impossible for his family to bear. Zaheer is now in an extreme financial crisis. It has become impossible for him to continue his treatment and support his family. Help Zaheer and his family survive this difficult time by extending your helping hand. May your contribution be a beacon of hope to them.
Your small donation will help save Zaheer's life. All of you are requested to come forward for Zaheer's medical assistance.
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